Today October 15 we know that Walter Veltroni became leader of the PD .
really aware of it only today?
In reality, nothing you want to remove more than 3 million people who went to vote on Sunday, it was not true of primary, but rather a ' direct election of the National Secretary of the PD, in underlining. A beautiful
exercise in democracy, we could say almost natural in a country that this form of government and a party that makes the right adjective. From this
PD then it is natural to expect a change in the electoral law reintroducing direct preferences to the citizen from the candidate.
If the candidate for the Secretariat was chosen through a democratic election, then it is right that the parliament will be chosen through direct elections and that is no longer appointed by the parties.
As Italian citizens who now claim the Democratic Party is committed to reintroduce direct preferences to the electoral law after using it successfully to their primaries. Maybe it could
promoting Proposed Law on People's Parliament Clean signed by 320,000 people across Italy in V-Day, on 8 September.
would be a strong signal, major a change in policy to serve the citizens finally, sweeping out of the door and histrionic offenders currently in parliament.
Two birds with one law.
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