I thought the best would be to go to work as closely as possible to their place of work. Then I met the teacher who finally enlightened me. First, it is important that the work is in a different place from the house a quick feedback / callback living in two separate places, two different areas to meet different people. Second, the journey from home to work is a very important time to be with themselves or with traveling companions and prepare change to home-working and vice versa. It 'good that this route is not too long: as for me the right time is approximately twenty minutes. I enter into a relationship with almost emotional journeys that lead me to work and even more with the road that takes me home from the person I love. It 'always very nice to repeat that road in the rain or the sun, the fog or wind. The road often travels in a hurry it is very important and it is difficult having to start over. Change jobs, move house, leave with his girlfriend, to finish the embroidery course, change the gym. These are all things that involve a change in the usual way and therefore a small reaccustom mourning and having a new road which can be more beautiful or more ugly. I personally love going to work by bicycle and pass through bridges and nature.
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