Friday, February 11, 2011

Jock Itch Red Speckles

Sometimes just 44,000

fourth attempt at the Italian-American Ryan Massaro, aka Amos Lee, has done it and has placed his new album at Mission Bell No. 1 on U.S. charts.
The historical fact is especially with regard to the number of copies sold because it had never happened in the U.S. that 44,000 copies were enough to establish itself as a best-selling album.
the remainder of the folk tending to gender (for a change!) In this period, it certainly helps. After being on tour with Dylan Costello and Paul Simon the boy must have learned something, even if the disc after the first 3 songs for my taste becomes a bit 'noioso.Il song I posted is the track that opens the entire job and I like it a lot because I find it very intense. Telling myself I must say that even here there is something new but given time it could have been worse.


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