MANY ARE WAITING FOR A NEW PROPOSAL OF THE MASTER. A SHOW THEATRE, a book, a painting or a new movie. MAYBE JUST A NEW BLOG. BUT THE MASTER AND 'STOP for a while'. He is preparing do not know what. EXCEED THE BLOCK. It is thought that this very blog could help me overcome the fear to offer themselves to the world. BUT FOR MANY REASONS SO THAT 'NO' state, then NOW is considering the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a real site. BUT THE TRUTH 'AND' THE PEOPLE THAT BEGINS TO BREAK A LITTLE 'THE BOX AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE WHAT REALLY DO SA, OR WOULD LIKE TO SEE AT THE THEATRE AT LEAST A FEW SHORT STORY FOR PUBLICATION. AND 'NO NEED TO SAY IS THAT PEOPLE WHO SPEAK IN IO.
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