SOMETHING'S 'THE LIFE THAT WE ALL LIFE PUSHES TOWARD A GOAL THAT THERE IS THE BEST OF OUR STATE. WE COULD ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN WE ARE. If our aims are small it may make a small step is to reach our goal. BE THAT MUCH BETTER THAT WE could suffice. But while taking that step, before he had even our goal, We realize that THAT'S THAT WE COULD GET A BETTER HALF STILL DOING MORE Passetto '. COSI 'WALK INFINITE always seeking MORE' IN ALTO. If, however, our goal is' very far away, almost unattainable, WE WILL BE DEFEATED AND THE ETERNAL LIFE WITH ALL THE FIGHTING DESPAIR OR GIVE SOME OF OUR LORD DEFEAT IN ANY EVENT WILL BE DISSATISFIED. THE RESULT IS 'ALWAYS THE SAME. But if we settle for what we are and MIRASSIMO TO STAY EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE, WE COULD ACTUALLY BE SATISFIED ALL LIFE. BUT AS 'THE ONLY POSSIBLE IF AGE GROW OR CHANGE OUR WAY OF LIFE? LA VITA E 'CONSTANT VOLTAGE Between what 'we are and what' you like. For example I would like to ask QUESTIONS NOT self-evident!
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