we have all become enemy of all. ALL mistrust of others. IS NOT 'WHAT'S KIDS on the bus' is always someone who gets angry. ABOUT THIS BLOG IF A makes a joke should always add the laughter, If not, there 'ALWAYS ABOUT' READY to offend (I refuse 'cause I seem to be what ADDS TO THE LAUGHTER movies). IF A CHILD WITH KIDS THAT DO NOT KNOW COULD MOVE FOR PATROL. But what is' success? I do not think has always been COSI'...... I think it's 'A LITTLE TOO' BLAME THE POLICY BY FEW YEARS HAVE decided to split into two factions THEN THE OTHER AND MUST BE THE ENEMY is demonized. UNFOUNDED 'ALWAYS THAT IDENTIFIES THE POWER OF THE FALSE ENEMIES FOR PEOPLE BETWEEN THE PEOPLE NOT TO BE FAR SGAM misused. TODAY I HAVE ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN THE HUMAN RACE TO BELIEVE THAT ALL MANAGE TO BE FRIENDS.
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