Fifteen years ago Paolo Borsellino was killed, with men of escort. The truth is still at large. And perhaps unspeakable. Here is the letter released by Salvatore's brother Paul.
July 19, 1992: A massacre of State
For years after the summer of 1992 I was in so many schools in Italy to talk about the dream of Paul and John, to speak of hope, of will to fight, to the dawn I saw close thanks to the rebirth of civic consciousness after their sacrifice, after the long night without guilty of massacres and endless series of assassinations of judges, policemen and journalists unworthy of dawn is a country called civile.Poi has proved a mirage, the social conscience that unfortunately in Italy must always be awakened by tragedies such as capacity or Via D'Amelio, has again fallen asleep under the weight of indifference and what appeared to be willing to surrender State in the fight against the Mafia was off again, buried by the will to compromise and standardization and the judges, at least against those honest and still alive, began another kind of struggle, not with weapons but with the TNT more subtle as the de-legitimization of the same function of the magistrate, and those who died have tried to appropriate it from all over the mystifying messaggio.Per years then I felt growing in me, day per day, feelings of disappointment, anger and the hope was gradually replaced by distrust in the state, in the institutions that had not been able to reap the fruits of the sacrifice of those men, so I stopped talking to young people believe that it was not my their right to communicate these sentiments, particularly that it was not my right to do so as a brother of Paul, to the last moment of his life, had always kept burning within him, and in those around him, the hope, indeed the certainty, of a different tomorrow for his Sicily and his Paese.Per years then I'm not even gone back to Sicily, refusing to see, at least with the eyes, the abyss in which this land was still sunk, to see, at least with their eyes, as everything which Paul had fought against the corruption, cronyism, the contiguity were again prevailing, as in politics, government, public affairs, had resurfaced all the old characters more ambiguous often by the same indicted Paul when he was still alive, and new characters are even worse because now now be investigated appears to confer an aura of persecution and almost be a way of merito.Da my apathy, this lock me up in a tower ' Ivory limiting myself to judge but will no longer act, I was recently shaken by an encounter with illuminating Gioacchino Basile, a man who has always paid in person his choices, that within the Navy Yard Fincantrieri Palermo and has always led almost single-handedly and against having the same union, the struggle against the Mafia was responsible for the bodies of the State, State that, in his detailed complaints, wove agreements with the Mafia transforming the State's shareholdings in a body of co-financing and the power of the Mafia in Sicilia.I facts related in these complaints, of which Paolo Borsellino was busy in the days immediately prior to his assassination, were subject to a "Report mafia infiltration in the shipyards of Palermo" by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Mafia (Rapporteur Mr Mantovano) but unfortunately, as too often happens in Italy with the reports of parliamentary commissions, were not selected as parliamentary developments on the judiciary, as always happens when you switch from one to investigate the mafia levels "higher "suffered the usual fate of archiving. Gioacchino Basile is convinced that self-interest that Paul had assured him in the deepening of this line of investigation and receiving reported in one of his meetings in Rome in the days immediately preceding its death, is the main reason for the "need" to remove it with a speed defined as "abnormal" by the same Public Prosecutor's Office of Caltanissetta and that the disappearance of this issue by the exchange of contextual Paul has been the removal of the 'agenda rossa.Per my part I believe this may have been only one reason, within the broader trend "mafia-procurement "that Paul had hinted was the main reason for the elimination of Giovanni Falcone with his now certain to appoint Attorney National Antimafia.Il main reason I believe however that agreement has been non-aggression between the state and the mafia that He must have been presented in the study of a minister in the meetings of Paul in Rome in the days immediately preceding the massacre, according to which Paul must surely have disdainfully opposto.Su these meetings, which Paul must surely have noted in passing his agenda, an eerie silence weighs epidemic of amnesia that struck after the death of Paul, all the alleged participants has made it the least, disturbing, secret State, are as disturbing state secrets and "omission" that fill the investigations on all other massacres State Italia.Ma the true state secret, although I no longer secret to anyone, is the infamous agreement established mutual aid in the years between the State and mafia.A When are the votes secured by the Mafia in Sicily, allowed the Christian Democrats to govern the rest of Italy even if this had resulted in the abandonment of Sicily, as well as throughout the South to the mafia, the renunciation of territorial control, the acceptance of coexistence, along with state taxes, the taxes imposed by the Mafia, extortion and protection money. And, even more serious consequence, the renunciation, by young people of the south, to the hope of a job if not obtained, a few at the cost of favors and patronage, and denied to many, the lack of development of industrialization in relation to paese.A follow the rest of the "Papello" Riina contracted by the State with the threat of bringing the war in the rest of the country (see Georgofili via Palestro and Via), which is trading in my opinion was the main cause of the need to eliminate Paolo Borsellino, and discard it fretta.A followed, finally, with the identification of new political contacts after the events of tangentopoli had made a clean sweep of most of the previous political class referents and "historic." agreements that these are the cause of the deterioration of civil today, where you allow that investigation for criminal association and govern Sicily where, nationally, is growing, at least in the polls, the popular support to those who have probably used capital from the mafia to create your own industrial empire with attached party can then be called "deviant" and unsuitable for the essence This same state of those "services" that, "silence means consent" of the Head of Government or on his explicit request, and have watched judges considered as "enemies" in their files and even convinced other Magiste to spy on those of their colleagues, always in the same dossier, were described as "enemies", "communists" and "armed wing" of the judiciary, with a language that is not difficult to find articles in newspapers and some declarations of some poltici.Giaocchino Basile told me that I would law "claim" by the state to know the truth about Paul, but "this" state, from which I rejected "any compensation" which claimed to offer me as a brother of Paul, if anything, should be offered compensation to all the young Sicilian and Italian for what has been taken away, I'm sure you will not get nothing but silence themselves silenzi.Gli , the same "glass ceiling" that had to be the sons of General Dalla Chiesa, the relatives of the dead in the endless series of massacres, the massacre of Portella della Ginestra, the Piazza Fontana massacre, the massacre of Piazza della Loggia The massacre on a train, the Ustica disaster, massacre Christmas fast 904, Pizzolungo the massacre, the massacre of Georgofili and Via Palestro, which today is rarely known performers, but the principals and often not the motive, while the succession in our South, thanks to the inaction of other state institutions, one after the other all were killed Magistrates and the police that the fight against the Mafia had their way of life in a tragic sequence that has no equal in any other country in the world called civile.Io I wonder however, with bitterness, how many more massacres, how many more deaths because we still need us by the State finalemte that reaction is especially strong and durable, as has never been, leading to the defeat of the mafia crime and above all the powers, less hidden, linked to it, because it is finally broken that infamous non-aggression pact that, as the judge said Di Lello July 20, 1992, parts of the state have for decades closely with the Mafia and that has allowed and continues to allow not only the past decade of inaction boss Riina and Provenzano, but famous as the hiding of tens of impunity "leaders mandate" that are the true masters of both Palermo and other cities of Sicilia.Da my part I am sure that will not be able to know the truth in what little I left to live because, at 65, I'm just a survivor in a family where my father, the brother of my father, my brother, all died at age 52, the first causes natuarali, the last because it had become a foreign body to the state whose institutions he deeply respected the other hand (always the institutions, not always the case that represented). I only hope that, on this anniversary, I may be spared the sight and words of the many hypocrites who now weep for Paul and John when they were still alive, accusing them opposed in migiore of assumptions, which are "professionals" would do them or even spy on people like Pio Pompa squalid as "enemies" or "arm armed with the judiciary. "Just wondering, on this occasion, to get answers to at least some of the many questions, many doubts that I leave the pace.Chiedo Proc Peter Giammanco, allonatanato by Palem after the murder of Paul, but promoted to a higher position rather than removed as it deserved, because it has not ordered the reclamation area and the removal Via D ' Amelio.Eppure in the same street, at n.68 had recently been discovered as a den of Madonia, and apart from the objective danger to the safety of Paolo Borsellino, reports of a real danger that provide all those days were such as to trust by Paul Pippo Tricoli the same July 19: 'and' come to town the load of dynamite for me. "Unless, as stated by Sen. Mancino in his speech of July 20 to the room, he believed that "Borsellino was not a regular visitor to the house of the mother": it just went at least three times a week! The same question forwarded to the then prefect of Palermo Mario Jovine even if it believes the answer already given with the statement made in those days: "No one pointed out the dangerousness of Via D'Amelio." patently ridiculous assertion: in those days there were successive reports of possible attacks and Paolo Borsellino, was enough to question the basis of the same agents, five of whom died with him to know what were the most points at the Prosecutor's Office rischio.Chiedo Caltanisseta, and in particular to gip Giovanbattista Tona, the reason for archiving of the investigations on the track of the Castle Utveggio: yet departed from this place, immediately after the attack, phone calls from your phone to that of the cloned Borsellino Dott.Contrada, now finally convicted by the Court of Final Appeal in conspiracy and aiding and abetting . I ask for the same Prosecutor of Caltanissetta, and always at the same gip Giovanbattista Tona, the reasons for closing the investigation on the principals of the occult stragi.Per another store, that relating to the vicissitudes of the files of Fincantieri I have already forwarded the request for clarification on a ufficiale.Chiedo the prosecutor of Caltanissetta not to store, if you have not already done so, the investigation agenda relating to the disappearance of Paul and red to clarify the involvement of all people, services and, in particular to its coinvolte.Chiedo sen. Nicola Mancino, which I remember in the years immediately after 1992, his tear-pressed force during a commemoration of Paul Palermo, tear that made me indignant to the point of getting up and leaving the room, straining to tell us the memory of that What was said in the meeting with Paul in the days immediately preceding his morte.O explain why, after having phoned Paul to meet him while he was interrogating Gaspare Muto, just 48 hours after the massacre, but did meet the Chief of Police Dr. Parisi and Dr. Contrada, meeting from which Paul emerged as shocked as the same story Muto, to hold two cigarettes contemporaneamente.Altrimenti, thanks to the disappearance of 'red diary of Paul, we will never be able to saperlo.E in that interview is certainly the key from his death and the massacre in Via D'Amelio.
Salvatore Borsellino
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