Friday, July 27, 2007

How Long Trimethoprim Stays In The Body



Even the President of the Republic of Mandarins Untouchables, in front of the CSM, he wanted to give her the beating gip Clementina Forleo, guilty of "not relevant assessments in excess", that is treason against six MPs that two Summers calling banks and publishing houses in cahoots with the wide boys of the neighborhood and hear each other in the course of interceptions (D'Alema, is very intelligent, alert Consort of his phone tapped, the phone). According to Napolitano, these "leaks" the public remains confused. In fact, thanks to Judge Forleo and newspapers have reported that its ordinances, the public has understood very well throughout. And that is that "irrelevant and excessive" is the behavior of political climbers, not the judges who have discovered and prosecuted. And that the leak is true of those who warned politicians and scoundrels who were intercepted, ruining the investigation of the most beautiful, certainly not those of the newspapers that are publishing secrets acts, that is public. Napolitano, as well as Marini and Bertinotti, President of Parliament degl'inquisiti and convicted, and how the so-called Justice Minister Mastella, is appalled by the publication of the ordinances of Forleo, before they reach the Parliament. Perhaps his very expensive staff (The Quirinale costs five times Buckingham Palace) forgot to explain how to do these things because, since 2003, the law requires judges to ask Parliament for permission to use the intercepted phone calls and where the voice of a Member, the gip Forleo asked that permission with two special orders. That, according to the law, were filed at the Court last Friday, at the disposal of suspects and their lawyers. Since then, orders have ceased to be secret. The lawyers have got a copy and, without committing any crime, have passed to journalists. Who, without committing any crime, they told the public. No breach of confidentiality, no leak. Of speaking, then, the highest offices of state? They may not have anything to say about Mr D'Alema, Fassino, Latorre, Cicu, Comincioli and Grillo (Luigi), which climbed banks abusing their power, behind the backs of their constituents? Is it possible that whenever the thermometer indicates a fever and the doctor diagnoses the disease, the high office if the take the thermometer and with the doctor? In any case, if Clementina Forleo and her colleagues want to avoid in the future, to end the caste massacred by politicians, rather, of the clan, they know what to do. 1) Never catch a criminal VIP in order to avoid the risk that this then talk to a politician. 2) If, however, escapes some interception in which the voices of political talks with several villains, pretending not to recognize them.
3) If the expert transcribing phone calls also acknowledges the voices of politicians, discard the expertise and change expert.
4) If the crimes date back two years earlier, though not yet taken the prescription, burn all, because - as they say D'Alema and Prodi - "however, is old stuff."
5) If the prosecutor insists on asking to forward calls to the Parliament, do not explain the order because these are criminal activity or, better yet, say that they are all crap and pray Chambers of refusing it.
6) Do not place the orders never to defense lawyers, to avoid ending up in the newspapers, and who cares for the rights of defense.
7) If you do not agree with the approach of the PM, however, flatten out on them because now, suddenly, like the gip flattened on the authority. Before you do anything, go on pilgrimage to Ceppaloni for the necessary authorization to proceed with the national anti-superpower of attorney Justice Clemente Mastella. "

Marco Travaglio

Friday, July 20, 2007

Can I Buy Valium In Spain

Letter Salvatore Borsellino

Fifteen years ago Paolo Borsellino was killed, with men of escort. The truth is still at large. And perhaps unspeakable. Here is the letter released by Salvatore's brother Paul.

July 19, 1992: A massacre of State

For years after the summer of 1992 I was in so many schools in Italy to talk about the dream of Paul and John, to speak of hope, of will to fight, to the dawn I saw close thanks to the rebirth of civic consciousness after their sacrifice, after the long night without guilty of massacres and endless series of assassinations of judges, policemen and journalists unworthy of dawn is a country called civile.Poi has proved a mirage, the social conscience that unfortunately in Italy must always be awakened by tragedies such as capacity or Via D'Amelio, has again fallen asleep under the weight of indifference and what appeared to be willing to surrender State in the fight against the Mafia was off again, buried by the will to compromise and standardization and the judges, at least against those honest and still alive, began another kind of struggle, not with weapons but with the TNT more subtle as the de-legitimization of the same function of the magistrate, and those who died have tried to appropriate it from all over the mystifying messaggio.Per years then I felt growing in me, day per day, feelings of disappointment, anger and the hope was gradually replaced by distrust in the state, in the institutions that had not been able to reap the fruits of the sacrifice of those men, so I stopped talking to young people believe that it was not my their right to communicate these sentiments, particularly that it was not my right to do so as a brother of Paul, to the last moment of his life, had always kept burning within him, and in those around him, the hope, indeed the certainty, of a different tomorrow for his Sicily and his Paese.Per years then I'm not even gone back to Sicily, refusing to see, at least with the eyes, the abyss in which this land was still sunk, to see, at least with their eyes, as everything which Paul had fought against the corruption, cronyism, the contiguity were again prevailing, as in politics, government, public affairs, had resurfaced all the old characters more ambiguous often by the same indicted Paul when he was still alive, and new characters are even worse because now now be investigated appears to confer an aura of persecution and almost be a way of merito.Da my apathy, this lock me up in a tower ' Ivory limiting myself to judge but will no longer act, I was recently shaken by an encounter with illuminating Gioacchino Basile, a man who has always paid in person his choices, that within the Navy Yard Fincantrieri Palermo and has always led almost single-handedly and against having the same union, the struggle against the Mafia was responsible for the bodies of the State, State that, in his detailed complaints, wove agreements with the Mafia transforming the State's shareholdings in a body of co-financing and the power of the Mafia in Sicilia.I facts related in these complaints, of which Paolo Borsellino was busy in the days immediately prior to his assassination, were subject to a "Report mafia infiltration in the shipyards of Palermo" by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Mafia (Rapporteur Mr Mantovano) but unfortunately, as too often happens in Italy with the reports of parliamentary commissions, were not selected as parliamentary developments on the judiciary, as always happens when you switch from one to investigate the mafia levels "higher "suffered the usual fate of archiving. Gioacchino Basile is convinced that self-interest that Paul had assured him in the deepening of this line of investigation and receiving reported in one of his meetings in Rome in the days immediately preceding its death, is the main reason for the "need" to remove it with a speed defined as "abnormal" by the same Public Prosecutor's Office of Caltanissetta and that the disappearance of this issue by the exchange of contextual Paul has been the removal of the 'agenda rossa.Per my part I believe this may have been only one reason, within the broader trend "mafia-procurement "that Paul had hinted was the main reason for the elimination of Giovanni Falcone with his now certain to appoint Attorney National Antimafia.Il main reason I believe however that agreement has been non-aggression between the state and the mafia that He must have been presented in the study of a minister in the meetings of Paul in Rome in the days immediately preceding the massacre, according to which Paul must surely have disdainfully opposto.Su these meetings, which Paul must surely have noted in passing his agenda, an eerie silence weighs epidemic of amnesia that struck after the death of Paul, all the alleged participants has made it the least, disturbing, secret State, are as disturbing state secrets and "omission" that fill the investigations on all other massacres State Italia.Ma the true state secret, although I no longer secret to anyone, is the infamous agreement established mutual aid in the years between the State and mafia.A When are the votes secured by the Mafia in Sicily, allowed the Christian Democrats to govern the rest of Italy even if this had resulted in the abandonment of Sicily, as well as throughout the South to the mafia, the renunciation of territorial control, the acceptance of coexistence, along with state taxes, the taxes imposed by the Mafia, extortion and protection money. And, even more serious consequence, the renunciation, by young people of the south, to the hope of a job if not obtained, a few at the cost of favors and patronage, and denied to many, the lack of development of industrialization in relation to paese.A follow the rest of the "Papello" Riina contracted by the State with the threat of bringing the war in the rest of the country (see Georgofili via Palestro and Via), which is trading in my opinion was the main cause of the need to eliminate Paolo Borsellino, and discard it fretta.A followed, finally, with the identification of new political contacts after the events of tangentopoli had made a clean sweep of most of the previous political class referents and "historic." agreements that these are the cause of the deterioration of civil today, where you allow that investigation for criminal association and govern Sicily where, nationally, is growing, at least in the polls, the popular support to those who have probably used capital from the mafia to create your own industrial empire with attached party can then be called "deviant" and unsuitable for the essence This same state of those "services" that, "silence means consent" of the Head of Government or on his explicit request, and have watched judges considered as "enemies" in their files and even convinced other Magiste to spy on those of their colleagues, always in the same dossier, were described as "enemies", "communists" and "armed wing" of the judiciary, with a language that is not difficult to find articles in newspapers and some declarations of some poltici.Giaocchino Basile told me that I would law "claim" by the state to know the truth about Paul, but "this" state, from which I rejected "any compensation" which claimed to offer me as a brother of Paul, if anything, should be offered compensation to all the young Sicilian and Italian for what has been taken away, I'm sure you will not get nothing but silence themselves silenzi.Gli , the same "glass ceiling" that had to be the sons of General Dalla Chiesa, the relatives of the dead in the endless series of massacres, the massacre of Portella della Ginestra, the Piazza Fontana massacre, the massacre of Piazza della Loggia The massacre on a train, the Ustica disaster, massacre Christmas fast 904, Pizzolungo the massacre, the massacre of Georgofili and Via Palestro, which today is rarely known performers, but the principals and often not the motive, while the succession in our South, thanks to the inaction of other state institutions, one after the other all were killed Magistrates and the police that the fight against the Mafia had their way of life in a tragic sequence that has no equal in any other country in the world called civile.Io I wonder however, with bitterness, how many more massacres, how many more deaths because we still need us by the State finalemte that reaction is especially strong and durable, as has never been, leading to the defeat of the mafia crime and above all the powers, less hidden, linked to it, because it is finally broken that infamous non-aggression pact that, as the judge said Di Lello July 20, 1992, parts of the state have for decades closely with the Mafia and that has allowed and continues to allow not only the past decade of inaction boss Riina and Provenzano, but famous as the hiding of tens of impunity "leaders mandate" that are the true masters of both Palermo and other cities of Sicilia.Da my part I am sure that will not be able to know the truth in what little I left to live because, at 65, I'm just a survivor in a family where my father, the brother of my father, my brother, all died at age 52, the first causes natuarali, the last because it had become a foreign body to the state whose institutions he deeply respected the other hand (always the institutions, not always the case that represented). I only hope that, on this anniversary, I may be spared the sight and words of the many hypocrites who now weep for Paul and John when they were still alive, accusing them opposed in migiore of assumptions, which are "professionals" would do them or even spy on people like Pio Pompa squalid as "enemies" or "arm armed with the judiciary. "Just wondering, on this occasion, to get answers to at least some of the many questions, many doubts that I leave the pace.Chiedo Proc Peter Giammanco, allonatanato by Palem after the murder of Paul, but promoted to a higher position rather than removed as it deserved, because it has not ordered the reclamation area and the removal Via D ' Amelio.Eppure in the same street, at n.68 had recently been discovered as a den of Madonia, and apart from the objective danger to the safety of Paolo Borsellino, reports of a real danger that provide all those days were such as to trust by Paul Pippo Tricoli the same July 19: 'and' come to town the load of dynamite for me. "Unless, as stated by Sen. Mancino in his speech of July 20 to the room, he believed that "Borsellino was not a regular visitor to the house of the mother": it just went at least three times a week! The same question forwarded to the then prefect of Palermo Mario Jovine even if it believes the answer already given with the statement made in those days: "No one pointed out the dangerousness of Via D'Amelio." patently ridiculous assertion: in those days there were successive reports of possible attacks and Paolo Borsellino, was enough to question the basis of the same agents, five of whom died with him to know what were the most points at the Prosecutor's Office rischio.Chiedo Caltanisseta, and in particular to gip Giovanbattista Tona, the reason for archiving of the investigations on the track of the Castle Utveggio: yet departed from this place, immediately after the attack, phone calls from your phone to that of the cloned Borsellino Dott.Contrada, now finally convicted by the Court of Final Appeal in conspiracy and aiding and abetting . I ask for the same Prosecutor of Caltanissetta, and always at the same gip Giovanbattista Tona, the reasons for closing the investigation on the principals of the occult stragi.Per another store, that relating to the vicissitudes of the files of Fincantieri I have already forwarded the request for clarification on a ufficiale.Chiedo the prosecutor of Caltanissetta not to store, if you have not already done so, the investigation agenda relating to the disappearance of Paul and red to clarify the involvement of all people, services and, in particular to its coinvolte.Chiedo sen. Nicola Mancino, which I remember in the years immediately after 1992, his tear-pressed force during a commemoration of Paul Palermo, tear that made me indignant to the point of getting up and leaving the room, straining to tell us the memory of that What was said in the meeting with Paul in the days immediately preceding his morte.O explain why, after having phoned Paul to meet him while he was interrogating Gaspare Muto, just 48 hours after the massacre, but did meet the Chief of Police Dr. Parisi and Dr. Contrada, meeting from which Paul emerged as shocked as the same story Muto, to hold two cigarettes contemporaneamente.Altrimenti, thanks to the disappearance of 'red diary of Paul, we will never be able to saperlo.E in that interview is certainly the key from his death and the massacre in Via D'Amelio.

Salvatore Borsellino

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Reasons For Genital Warts Beside Hpv directly from the site, we are publishing the wonderful article by Mark today about the ruling on Lodo Mondadori, which condemned definitively Caesar Previti, Acampora lawyers and the Pacific and the former Judge Metta.


Marco Travaglio

The ruling of 1991 that overturned the Lodo Mondadori and delivered the first group Silvio Berlusconi in the Italian press, pulling to Carlo De Benedetti, was bought. The buyer is called Cesare Previti, who was acting on behalf of the Knight and money of Fininvest, the ultimate beneficiary of commercialization criminal. This, translated into Italian, means an order issued the day before yesterday by the Supreme Court ultimately be borne by the Fininvest lawyers Cesare Previti, Attilio Pacifico and Giovanni Acampora and the judge Vittorio Metta. For 17 years, then, Berlusconi
- soi disant "self-made man who has" - has abused a publishing house, with his books and weekly (including Panorama and the late period), which used financially and politically useful to accumulate, first in support of its sponsors (Craxi in the first place), then to build the consensus necessary to his "descent into the field, with their two governments and its four electoral campaigns. Even the day before yesterday the site of Panorama has sent, in violation of the secret investigation, the news of the alleged inscription on the register of suspects to Romano Prodi by the Catanzaro Prosecutor, but Panorama, without ruling bought in 1991, does not belong to Berlusconi. Given the Lilliputian space reserved for the media "independent" to a resounding verdict so (not even a mention on the front page of Corriere della sera, and Printing Messenger, not to mention the newspaper), the case is to summarize the history of that ruling purchased.

THE AWARD. In 1988 Berlusconi, who has long put a foot in the publishing house to discover the actions of Leonardo Mondadori, announces: "I do not want to stay in the back seat." De Benedetti, who controls the majority stake, resists the assault and are granted Formenton family, heirs of Arnold, who agrees to sell his shares by 30 January '91. But the heirs and change their minds in November '89, are in blocks with Berlusconi, 25 January 1990, takes office as president of the publishing house. As well as three television and journalism, then, the Knights took possession of the publishing group that controls the Republic, Panorama, Espresso, Vintage and 15 local newspapers Finegil, moving from field to that anticraxiano filocraxiano. The "war of secret", by unanimous decision of the contenders, it ends before a panel of three arbitrators chosen by De Benedetti, from Formenton and by the Supreme Court. The award, 20 June '90, gives De Benedetti reason. His pact with the Formenton remains valid, the Mondadori shares must return to the engineer. Berlusconi leaves the presidency, there's the manager Cir debenedettiana: Carlo Caracciolo, Antonio Coppi and Corrado Passera. But the Knights turned the tables and, together with Formenton, challenges the award to the Court of Appeal in Rome.
It occupies the First Civil Chamber, chaired by Arnaldo Valente (as Stefania Ariosto, Previti frequenter of the house). Judge
speaker and writer of the decision: Vittorio Metta, too intimate Previti. The closed session will close Jan. 14 '91. Ten days later, on 24, the decision is made public: annul the award, the Mondadori back Berlusconi forever. The engineer knew already: one month before the chairman of Consob, the Pazzi Bruno Andreotti, had announced the defeat to his lawyer Vittorio Ripa di Meana. "Rumour - De Benedetti witness - that the sentence was typed in the study of 'lawyer Acampora and had cost 10 billion ... It was then that I heard for the first time the name of Cesare Previti, Berlusconi and as a person known to be very close to Romans introduced in the court. " Despite the triumph, however, Berlusconi fails to bring home the whole cake. The directors and several journalists from the Republic, Espresso and Panorama rebel against the new masters. Giulio Andreotti, Craxi alarmed by the overwhelming power of the Publisher that requires a transaction in the office of his friend Joseph Ciarrapico Republic, Espresso and newspapers Finegil back to the group-Caracciolo De Benedetti, Panorama, Epoca and the rest of the Mondadori remain at Fininvest.

MONEY. investigating since 1995 the revelations of Stefania Ariosto Previti on bundles of some Roman judges, the pool of Milan discovered the river of money that flowed from Fininvest accounts of foreign lawyers and from those of Fininvest in cash in the hands of Judge Metta . On 14 February '91 by health a part of the All Iberian's bank of $ 2,732,868 (3 billion pounds) into the Mercier Previti. From this, February 26, another bank of a billion and a half (half of the funding) to the account of Trade Careliza Acampora. These clean-October 1 in 425 million Previti, which diverts them in two batches (11 and 16 October) on behalf of Lapwing Pacific. Which takes 400 million in cash on 15 and 17 October, and has them delivered to a mysterious destination in Italy: according to the indictment, is Vittorio Metta. The judge, in the following months, does various expenses (including the purchase and renovation of an apartment for her daughter Sabrina and the purchase of a new BMW car), especially with cash of unknown origin (about 400 million). Then resigned from the magistracy, he became a lawyer and went to work with her daughter Sabrina in the previous study. About those 3 billion Fininvest, Previti speaks of "Quiet plots", but fails to document even a shred of professional assignment at the time. Pacific also lie and Acampora. So Put that on the origin of the unexpectedly, ample liquidity (for example, an inheritance), it is regularly denied by the facts. Previti then swears that he knew only in '94, but still mind: i am Boccassini and Columbus discovered phone calls between the two already in 1992-93. Then there are the ways to say the least bizarre of the Judgement Mondadori: the records of the Court of Appeal filed Put it appears that the motivation (168 pages) January 15 '91: the day after the closed session. A company never succeeded in a court, nor to him, which took 2-3 months for much shorter sentences. Evident that this was written before the Court decides.

PROCESS. In 1999, the pool asks for trial for Berlusconi, Previti, Metta, Acampora, Pacific. In 2000, the preliminary hearing judge acquits them all with doubtful formula (comma 2 art. 530 cpp). But in 2001 the Court of Appeal, upholding the appeal of the Prosecutor, refers them to trial, but Berlusconi, just back to Palazzo Chigi, and saved by the prescription: he judges grant extenuating circumstances. Why does he and the other not? For "the current conditions of individual and social life whose objective in itself justifies the application of" extenuating circumstances. The Supreme Court confirms the Knight is not innocent, indeed it is 'reasonable' and 'logical' that the principal of the tangent to Put was really him. But a simple technical matter such as mitigating the prevailing "for the conduct of life after all 'supposed crime." Instead of giving up the general to be acquitted on the merits, Berlusconi takes and takes her home. It does well: the other co-defendants, without extenuating circumstances, will all be condemned. At first instance, in 2003, Metta takes 13 years, Previti and the Pacific for 11 years for Mondadori Imi-Sir, and Acampora (only for the Mondadori) 5 years and 6 months. In 2005, on appeal, all convicted of Imi-Sir, and all acquitted (always with paragraph 2 of art. 530) for Mondadori. But in 2006 the Supreme Court annulled the acquittal and order to the Court of Appeal in order for Mondadori. This thing happens in February 2007: Previti, Pacifico and Acampora are seen to increase the penalty for another year and 6 months and 1 year of Metta and 9 months, "continuity" with the convictions now final for Imi-Sir. Judges who write the sentence Mondadori was "drawn up before the council chamber," "unknown persons outside typed in" and "out of institutional settings." In fact that have emerged in the process "different from the original copies." Berlusconi was unaware of the corrupting influence of his lawyer-fixer (who are not officially defended the Fininvest in the proceedings, followed by lawyers and Dotti Vaccarella midnight)? Not a chance: the Knight - write the judges - had "full knowledge that the sentence had been the object of commercialization." Moreover, "the salary of the corrupt judge is in the interest and on behalf of the corrupter," of Berlusconi. And the "criminal episode took place inside the so-called 'war of secret', fought for control of known and influential media, and should take into account the resulting interests at stake are not only relevant in a purely economic, however large, but also from the purely social nature of property acquisition and dissemination of such media. " The Court also recognizes the civil part of De Benedetti's CIR to the right and moral damage to property, to be quantified in a separate civil action, "both the actual damages as lost profits under a variety of profiles for not only the actual costs of disposal of Mondadori, but also the reflections of each other on the market for equities. " Now that the ruling is final, the Cir Pisapia with lawyers and Ruby ask EUR 1 billion in damages. In practice, 17 years later, the restitution of stolen goods. I wonder if they will pay for Prescribed Cavalier convicted, or dip into their wallets. In the first case, someone might get upset and remember something. Maybe telling those who asked him to buy the sentence Mondadori.

Friday, July 13, 2007

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welcome and published with some satisfaction on this article ...

-Lodo Mondadori, Supreme Court confirms conviction Previti

ROME - The Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, after eight hours of advice, upheld the ruling of the appellate process Lodo Mondadori, Cesare Previti, Giovanni Acampora, Attilio Pacifico and former judge Vittorio Metta. Cesare Previti
In particular sentence in the appeal of the February 23, 2007, was sentenced to one year and six months, as Attilio Pacifico and Giovanni Acampora. The former judge, Vittorio Metta, was instead sentenced to two years and eight months. Cesare Previti is currently entrusted with the social services, supervision of the court of Milan, will have to decide whether to suspend the service and then return to Cesare Previti arrests.


The clash between Silvio Berlusconi and Carlo De Benedetti to gain control of a major Italian publishing groups, is in the late eighties and early nineties. Everything is resolved by the''contract''on Lodo Mondadori Cir-Formenton June 21, 1990. The decision was taken by the three arbitrators, Carlo Maria Pratis, Natalino Irti and Pietro Rescigno, charged with settling the dispute between De Benedetti and for sale to Formenton Cir share control of Mondadori, promise to De Benedetti and then sold to the axis Silvio Berlusconi / Leonardo Mondadori. The award 'in favor of Cir and' De Benedetti control of Mondadori's ordinary share capital of 50.3% and 79% of preferred stock. Berlusconi loses the presidency, recently acquired, that goes to the accountant Giacinto Spizzico, one of four board members expressed by the Court, operator of the actions alleged. On January 24, 1991, the Court of Appeal of Rome led by Arnaldo Valente and composed of judges and Vittorio Metta John Paolini said that since some of the terms of the Agreement of 1988 between the Formenton and Cir was contrary to the regulation of companies' stock, was to be considered null and void the entire agreement and therefore the arbitration award. Mondadori seems so 'back in the hands of Berlusconi. After ups and downs of a legal nature and after the passage of the law Mammi ', in April 1991, with the mediation of Joseph Ciarrapico, Fininvest and Cir-De Benedetti reach an agreement that gives the substance of the property' of the 'old' and Mondadori Panorama of Berlusconi, and the spin-off Repubblica-Espresso group in Cir-Debenedetti. For the maxim of the 1991 cancellation 'of the arbitration award that awarded to Carlo De Benedetti, the block of shares Mondadori, the judges last appeal process that was' done in Milan, and that has' ended last February, and believe that 'was purchased and why they sentenced the former Defense Minister Cesare Previti, Giovanni Acampora and Attilio Pacifico to one year and six months, and the former judge Vittorio Metta to two years and eight months. For the judges the sentence had been''bought''to promote the Fininvest, with which in 1991 was annulled the arbitration award. In the appeal process and a 'emerged''the enormous gravity' of the crime'', in relation to those 425 million lire former judge received, according to the indictment,''to''adjust the sentence which was annulled the arbitration award that gave the Cir of Carlo De Benedetti family Formenton the shares, which would have secured control of Mondadori. Money received by the former judge, an account of Cesare Previti, but the Court of Appeal from the companies' All Iberian, due to Fininvest. For the Milanese magistrates intervened there evidence of''corruption of the court by lawyers Pacific Place, and Acampora Previti, Berlusconi intermediaries, to obtain the annulment of the Lodo Mondadori, already inferred 'from the file (and the final assessment for corruption Imi-Sir) a 'lobby' between today's judicial defendants managed by Previti and the existence of a judge - Put - consistently paid.'' Silvio Berlusconi was definitely out of the scene a few years ago, acquitted of time-barred by the granting of extenuating circumstances.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cervical Mucus Timeline


informed Piero Ricca Blog QuiMilanoLibera and video shot on the night in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan. And 'the duty of all bloggers to disseminate knowledge.

How Long Facial Numbness Wisdom Teeth


Through Blog QuiMilanoLibera published a Piero Ricca post where he describes in detail the story and the "motives" of the kidnapping of his blog , asked to circulate the news that all may know of this all-Italian affair: a free citizen who does real questions to a director of a "news" network hosted on a blatantly abusive and deployed. In Italy in fact the city is taken initially and later insults spit from a "sir", and eventually the one who decides not to sue those who have suffered the insults and spitting but the one that the organization has implemented protected by an army of bodyguards and the police intervened on the spot. Not even the land of toys would host events of this kind. People's Initiative unites in support of Piero Ricca and be made available to the organization of any further steps to support and dissent to such systems. Piero Ricca report the post and advise readers to keep up also by Blog QuiMilanoLibera .
Milan, July 10, 2007 - Emilio Fede I sued and finance has changed the access codes to my blog, prevented from publishing new articles. I feel voiceless and not pleasant for someone like me me.Il blog was closed at the request of the Rome public prosecutor Giuseppe Saieva, by application of the investigating judge Cecilia Demma. The "seizure" - so is called - I was notified at 14:00 on 10 July of two officers of the "special unit against fraud Telematics of the financial police, who came specially from the capital. The seizure comes from a libel suit filed by Emilio Fede for me to dispute that turned to the Press Club of Milan April 16 2007.In execution of that order was removed from my blog article on the affair and Faith comments in the margins of the readers. Article and comments, however, remained in the memory of rete.Per technical reasons it was not possible, as well as had been requested by the court, remove the video from youtube. Has not obscuring total blog, which also had been proposed in order for provisional sequestration, because the agents of finance have adopted the solution to change my administrator password , after a morning mission Sarzana (La Spezia) , registered office of management companies will immediately request blog.Naturalmente dissequestro.E I reserve the right to sue in my turn Mr. Faith. I would point out that the opposition had as a background to my question (on Europa 7 case and the frequencies illegally occupied by Rete 4), to which the Director of TG4 replied giving me the 'idiot. " Not to mention the spit that steered me in the lobby of the Press Club, as evidenced by the video available at

few days after the good faith called "rogue" me and friends with me criticized him at the Press Club. What say we ask the seizure of TG4? We will face with the complainant in court, perhaps with some of the magistrates and vilified over the years the government spied on misura.SarĂ² happy to let me try again for expressing views shared by the people I respect that. As is my habit will respect the procedures and I will take my responsibility, defending the process and not by processo.Nel meantime I will not stop to question and criticize public figures who do not judge, exercising my right and duty to dissenso.Nessuno able to seize the freedom of expression, and my group of friends here and Milan Free Blog: certo.Ma this is what happened is not a problem only mine is an unjust act that threatens the freedom of expression on the Internet for each of noi.Per this I appeal to bloggers and the people of the net: Pass on this article, make public your dissent! We stand together with our freedom of speech. Thanks in advance!
