Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ap Bio Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problems #5


HELLO! TRY TO PUT SOME 'OF MINT IN YOUR COFFEE 'in place of sugar. He's fine. You just need to LEARN THE RIGHT DOSE AND THE RIGHT TIME TO DO SO. It 'clear that in CAFFE' COLD THERE IS BETTER. SUMMER COFFEE 'an ice cube and two or three teaspoons of MINT ARE A WONDERFUL DRINK. WINTER IN CAFFE 'THE MIND IS BURNING HOT THEN YOU MUST WAIT FOR COLD A minute or two and then down' with your mind, First a trickle, then a little more, 'LONG' NOT EVERYONE IS THE RIGHT SIZE. It 'delicious. I never thought of? HOW DID YOU DO NOT UP TO DATE? BINGO BONGO KNOWS NOT EVEN ...